Annika Rittmann

Spokesperson Fridays For Future, activist

Annika Rittmann, 21, has been active with Fridays for Future since the beginning. Since then, she has organized global climate strikes, events such as the solidarity demonstrations with Ukraine and two of the major demonstrations against right-wing extremism in Hamburg

At Fridays for Future, she is the national and Hamburg press spokesperson and responsible for alliance work. She also acts as press spokesperson for the Hamburg Future Decision, a popular initiative for transparent, binding and socially responsible climate protection in Hamburg.

Anika is studying Human-Computer Interaction and is currently writing her bachelor thesis on discriminatory AI in courts and the influence of digital agents on trust in AI recommendations.

She teaches computer science at a grammar school, has been playing Football in a club for 15 years and still tries to find time to whistle from time to time.

Photo: Jan-Marius Komorek